So, lets start with ermm..
being sad since tht i can't be with Apeng
on his bday today.. [being far apart sux!]
So, my lil bro, Hafiz been asking me to just
chill and hang out with him and with our
so- called- guests, Along & Angah since that
Asyraf [Hafiz other not- identical twin] don't
wanna join us cuz he's been so so busy with his
'super cool' game NFS Undercover.
Therefore, after 'PUJUK'ing' me like few hours,
I finally decided to join them...
So, here we go.. Jalan- jalan like donno where to go.
Like seriously! Jalan punya jalan like 20mins,
we all were like so so 'tired' lah sgt.. and..
"Urggh~ penat ohh! Jom minum!"
Then sampai lah kami di Centro Commerciale, Varese.
ahahahahha!! Oh yeah wait.. Time OTW to the centro,
I was like "OH! Anda sgt kachak!" to the hot hunks
who passed by. Almaklumlah~ mereka sgt paham BM kan?
Muahahahaha!! O.o *rolling eyes~
Cappucino~ *nice~ >.<
Hafiz & Me~
Then, after like 30mins chillin' in the bar of the Centro, Hafiz was like "Jom ahh kuar.. Amek angin + cuci mata! heh heh!" Then, we all pun "gedix2" went out to the '
piazza' or a.k.a 'tempat lepak' laaa..
Alaa.. mcm kt luar Pavilion, B.Bintang tu... xD
So, here we go again.. Kepala of the Photo- Gedik [me!] pun bertitah~
"Ape lagi weyyyhh! Lets Photo- Gedix!!"
There u go.. Some of our Gedix- Session~ Ala2 photoshoot la konon. >.<
Me & Hafiz~
hihi! xP
Hafiz, Along & Angah, ME. >.<
ah~ adikku hot!
with our so- called- 'budget hot'~ lol.
Arrghh.... fenat~ Its been a very tiring day actually.
But I'm glad, we had fun 'GEDIX'ing' around like mad ppl. ;DD
LOL. Till then, TOODLES~
p/s= oh i miss apeng like so so much!