Friday 26 December 2008

Snow Storm? Blizzard?

~angah n me~

Finally. It's 25th Dec 08. Christmas Eve~ and Aunty Aida and family from Milan came over to our house around 6pm. So, we had a dinner together just now. After dinner, me and Angah 'lepak2' at the hall with my dad and Uncle Syed watching Casino Royale through HBO while the 'mak2' who is actually my mom and Aunty Aida gossiping at the dining table till u know la kan bile da jumpe gang xigt la dunia! LOL. OK.... Then, after gossiping, watching movie and bla2.. They all pun gerak lah pulang ke Milan blk around 10pm something.

So, here come the best part... Ok.. just fyi, I reached here from M'sia on last 14th Dec.. And its already stop snowing like a week before. So, kiranya i xsmpat la nak merasa snow kt umah lah kann.... Its on and off~ Then tunggu punya tunggu, finally haha.... Just now around 11.45pm, while updating and editing my Myspace page.. "BANG!!!" our bathroom's window suddenly slammed each other like "WTF?". Rupanya.. there's a blizzard out there. Agak terkejut actually sbb at first, mcm hujan ais ketul2 kecik.. Then, later on it turned out to be the thick kinda snow... haha! BEST!

It was really a blizzard! LOL. >.<

Its pretty cool actually. I was like "Wahahah! Finally~ Esok mesti super thick punya lah!"

End of story~ jom tido!


  1. time i kat sane dlu pnah hujan batu and it was in the middle of summer..
    i was like "omg kiamat ke?" :p hehe

  2. ahaha! thts cool. nasib xkiamat lgi kot time tu..
