Wednesday, 24 December 2008


Edward Pictures, Images and Photos

Alright, maybe some of you will say tht umm "Eleh.. Edward.. Common sgt dah.." or.. "Edward Cullen? OH~ Please! So overrated!" or what- so- ever u wanna call it. But as for me... It is not too late to let the whole wide world know my feelings towards this SUPERB vampire! "OMG! OMG! OMG! Its Edward Cullen!" *pengsan trus~

Edward Cullen
~ FULLSTOP. I'm extremely obsessed with this guy. Yes, he is just a fictional character of a movie and a novel series yet seems like so charming and PERFECT! I fell in love with this vampire and guess what my boyfriend don't really have so much to say about it. Hey, he can do nothing! Come on peeps! Nobody can change the fact that I'm totally head over heels for this guy! If you're like me, I bet you surely pretends that you're Bella Swan. Am I right? LOL. Geez! Who never like Edward Cullen?!

edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

For me, it is not Robert Pattinson who stole my heart. It is actually the most gorgeous and hot and charming and urrmm~ you know what I'm saying. "Oh, Edward!! I demand a super hot love bite from you!" O.o *rolling eyes~ xDD

edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos There's like no such word in this world that can describes my OBSESSION towards this vampire, Edward Cullen. GOSH! I'm extremely unconditionally irrevocably in love with Edward Cullen and I'm actually having difficulties dealing with the fact that he is just a fictional character.

edward Pictures, Images and Photos

p/s= Dear Shaiful Amirin.. No worries. I still love you, sayang! ;DD


  1. -_-! there will be a little feeling of jelousy. :D eve tho he's just a character.


  2. as always laa kan syg.
    xpe², as long as u happy im happy too laa ok.
    tp jgn laa sampai ke mimpi plak eh.?
    i kat sini mimpi u jer kot.
    muah muah muah kat u syg.
    love u

  3. daus= hahhaaa! yer ker??

    apeng= ok2.. i mimpi you!
