Sunday, 28 December 2008

Ice Skating. [jatuhtergolek]

~me n adib~ ADIB BLURR~ kesian!

Alright.. today was a very fun yet 'cela**' day for me! Hafiz, Asyraf, Adib, Abah and me went to the ice skating at Varese lah mane lagi.. Its been years already, so i wonder whether my skills cam 'taik' or still okay~

Then around 3.30pm we all pun ber'skating la ramai2. Haha! Best.. Luckily I played pretty well. Until at one point got this Italian dude 'budget- power- giler- main- laju2' till he lost his control and "BANG!!!" jatuh tergolek on me!!! wtf??! Guess what.. Dgn kuatnya aku pon mencarut a.k.a cursed tht fella dgn bahasa MELAYU 'pu****k' , 'c***i', 'bu**h' ape ke jdah semuanya keluar till everyone was like 'PAUSE' kejap tgok muke aku yg mcm 'taik'~ Astagafhirullah'alazim~ Hah! Nasib kau xpaham la mangkuk! Haihhh~ And dgn selambernye dude tersebut pun berkata "Scusa!" and blahh cmtu jer and acted like nothing happened! Aku pun bertekad nak revenged kaw2 kat mamat tu till my dad suddenly "Let him be.. Xsengaje tu.. Dah2~" Haihhhhhh~ Potong line lah abah ni!

So, main punya main, all of us pun penat gila babass~ Its like almost 3hours we've been skating. Then 'chow'.

~Asyraf, Hafiz n Adib~

Adib n me~
p/s= its 'PEACE' ok.. not mid-finger.

~Me n Asyraf~
~LOL. we're freezing ok!

Me~ ok.. actually it was around 4.40pm
and its getting dark already~

winter [xder life lah!]

Hurmmm~ xtremely missing all my besties~ my brothers~ and surely my baby.
nak balik M'sia!!!! wwuuuaaa.. T.T

Friday, 26 December 2008


Went out
'gedik2' at our crib, Uncle Hambali's and Uncle Shuhairi's crib. Really enjoyed ourselves. Mom n Dad, Asyraf, Adib, Batrisyia and me. Hafiz not joining us since tht he's been bz with his games thingy. Ahaha! rugi la kau! ;] 'Gedik2' till kaki and tgn kebasss.... The gloves all useless! Xpakai pun xpe. Really!

Me and Asyraf~ Asyraf gila! Yes! He is!

Adib berat!! He's getting fatter staying here. Budak ni dah ade flabby mcm kakak die kot! Hahahaha! >.<

Snow man this time looks way way better then tht day at San Bernardino, Swiss. Hah! Hensem la sket this one! >.<

Adib hensem, Batrisyia comel, Abah kacak and Mya gedik. hahhaha! Asyraf, Mom, and Hafis M.I.A [missing in action!].

As usual lah kan~ My hobby! Haha.

Photo- Gedix again and again~ >.<
Sue me for this ok!

Snow Storm? Blizzard?

~angah n me~

Finally. It's 25th Dec 08. Christmas Eve~ and Aunty Aida and family from Milan came over to our house around 6pm. So, we had a dinner together just now. After dinner, me and Angah 'lepak2' at the hall with my dad and Uncle Syed watching Casino Royale through HBO while the 'mak2' who is actually my mom and Aunty Aida gossiping at the dining table till u know la kan bile da jumpe gang xigt la dunia! LOL. OK.... Then, after gossiping, watching movie and bla2.. They all pun gerak lah pulang ke Milan blk around 10pm something.

So, here come the best part... Ok.. just fyi, I reached here from M'sia on last 14th Dec.. And its already stop snowing like a week before. So, kiranya i xsmpat la nak merasa snow kt umah lah kann.... Its on and off~ Then tunggu punya tunggu, finally haha.... Just now around 11.45pm, while updating and editing my Myspace page.. "BANG!!!" our bathroom's window suddenly slammed each other like "WTF?". Rupanya.. there's a blizzard out there. Agak terkejut actually sbb at first, mcm hujan ais ketul2 kecik.. Then, later on it turned out to be the thick kinda snow... haha! BEST!

It was really a blizzard! LOL. >.<

Its pretty cool actually. I was like "Wahahah! Finally~ Esok mesti super thick punya lah!"

End of story~ jom tido!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Tiramisu GONG GENG by Mya.

Hahah! Tiramisu GONG GENG! wth? lol. Cool nick actually. Just like yesterday, I didn't lepak2 anywhere. Went only to GS to get the Mascarpone and Vicenzovo for the tiramisu around 4pm something. And yes I took along my baby sister, Qistina Batrisyia with me since tht she's been staying home like watching her Teletubbies only. "Kesian adik aku nih... Xder life." Huhu.. So, after brought those ingredients... Singgah la kejap kt kedai askem~ Get some 'gelato' for her and for me myself as well lah kan! Hihi. [Actually kakak die yg nak gelato tu lebih~] LOL. xDD

Then after I got back home.. As usual lah, mengadap PC dlu while all the stuffs are still rite beside me. And "buzz!" Fidzry plak ajak webbie~ Sigh~ budakk ni... Oh yeah.. Fidzry is actually my old fren since we were like I'm not sure... Six? Eight? Camtu lah. Oh, I miss tht dude! ;D
Later, around 5pm something then only I get started with the 'baking' session. Huhu..

~The making of Tiramisu GONG GENG.. xDD

Special ingredient added by me- Choc Chips! Yummy!

Perfectly done with the coco powder and extra choc chips on top! YUMMMMMMYYYY~ =)

p/s= Dear Shaiful Amirin sayang! Thanks for waking me up this morn~ Eventhoe i was like pretty blurr, dizzy and 'mamai' this morn, I still want you to know tht I love u BONCETT! I miss you~ This Tiramisu GONG GENG is for you baby!


Edward Pictures, Images and Photos

Alright, maybe some of you will say tht umm "Eleh.. Edward.. Common sgt dah.." or.. "Edward Cullen? OH~ Please! So overrated!" or what- so- ever u wanna call it. But as for me... It is not too late to let the whole wide world know my feelings towards this SUPERB vampire! "OMG! OMG! OMG! Its Edward Cullen!" *pengsan trus~

Edward Cullen
~ FULLSTOP. I'm extremely obsessed with this guy. Yes, he is just a fictional character of a movie and a novel series yet seems like so charming and PERFECT! I fell in love with this vampire and guess what my boyfriend don't really have so much to say about it. Hey, he can do nothing! Come on peeps! Nobody can change the fact that I'm totally head over heels for this guy! If you're like me, I bet you surely pretends that you're Bella Swan. Am I right? LOL. Geez! Who never like Edward Cullen?!

edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

For me, it is not Robert Pattinson who stole my heart. It is actually the most gorgeous and hot and charming and urrmm~ you know what I'm saying. "Oh, Edward!! I demand a super hot love bite from you!" O.o *rolling eyes~ xDD

edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos There's like no such word in this world that can describes my OBSESSION towards this vampire, Edward Cullen. GOSH! I'm extremely unconditionally irrevocably in love with Edward Cullen and I'm actually having difficulties dealing with the fact that he is just a fictional character.

edward Pictures, Images and Photos

p/s= Dear Shaiful Amirin.. No worries. I still love you, sayang! ;DD

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Chocolate Chips by Mya.

So, lets begin with I didn't went out today as in
'lepak2' or what-so-ever. Just chillin' at home, helping my mom doing those tiring house- works. To those girls out there, u know what I'm saying. Hurm~ Being the eldest daughter sometimes suck! REALLY~

Then its like I'm so so free after helping my mom.. I kinda waste my time sitting in front of the PC for the freaking whole day. All that I've been doing are just... Myspac'ing, Facebook'ing, Chatting [MSN & YM], Blog'ing, Friendster'ing & even Youtub'ing. So, out of sudden, my so
'rajin' and eagerness 'tergedik2' nak masak pun excidentally pop-up into my mind and soul and body and u know what I'm saying kan2?? LOL. xDD

Then, I asked
Puan Siti Haida, who is actually my mom lah ngok~ bout what should I do since that I'm extremely bored. Then she just said "Laaaa... mimpi ke ni? Asal you tetibe rajin sgt ni? Selalu I suruh tolong sikit bla.. bla.. bla.. and bla.." U got it right?? sigh~ See... bile rajin tny knp pulak! Aiyo~ =.=" So I came up with the idea to bake my favorite Italian desert, Tiramisu. Then my mom was like "Bahan2 xcukup lah... U nak buat kene pegi beli Mascarpone and Vicenzovo kt GS dlu... Nak ker?" Oh yeah, btw.. *Mascarpone is actually cheese cream and it is one of the most important ingredients for Tiramisu right before *Vicenzovo which is actually the biscuit/cake. Erk?? Right.. we are actually a lil bit out of topic here... [Mya! we're talking bout the Choc Chips actually!] Haihh~ Ok.. Ok..

So, suddenly I was like "Buat Choc Chips arr.. All those ingredients ader kan??". And my mom was like "Up to you. All the ingredients are there.. I malas nk kemas2 ke ape. So, pandai buat, pandai basuh and pandai simpan. OK?!". "FINE~ Ok.".. Therefore, bermulalah proses
'tergedik'2 kat dapur smbil nyanyi2 lagu 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift! OH~ Im so into that song! While being busy with the butter, eggs, vanilla essence and bla3.. Apeng suddenlly called me! And i was like a chimp jumping in the kitchen cuz' I was like extremely excited and happy! Almaklumlahkan~ Since duduk jauh ni sape je la nak bazir duit call kan? Heh! Ok. Cut the crap.

After about almost two hours, all those Choc Chips are perfectly done and
"Umm.. ummm.. Yummy!" So.. here you go, my self- made Choc Chips ala- ala Famous Amos. Yumm- Yumm~

>.< sedap weyy~

Monday, 22 December 2008

Finally.. Vodafone SIM.

After like a week been 'PUJUK'ing and BODEK'ing
my dad to get me my own SIM Pack here, he finally
bought one for me! LOL. VODAFONE SIM "Life is now~"

Just like Malaysia's post- paid or pre- paid line such
as Maxis & Hotlink, Celcom, Digi and etc.. We also got
Vodafone, TIM, Wind and etc here in Italy. xDD
Why Vodafone? Why not TIM? or etc??
Well, I'm looking forward to have this Vodafone SIM
since that I was like kinda 'terpengaruh' with MACHESTER UNITED's
ex- sponsor = VODAFONE. HAHAHAHAHA! Man Utd rule ok!

So, there u go.. 1st person to know my numb surely my baby sayang! hihi. xDD
Oh, i miss him like so so so much~

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Lets Photo- Gedix!

So, lets start with ermm..
being sad since tht i can't be with Apeng
on his bday today.. [being far apart sux!]
So, my lil bro, Hafiz been asking me to just
chill and hang out with him and with our
so- called- guests, Along & Angah since that
Asyraf [Hafiz other not- identical twin] don't
wanna join us cuz he's been so so busy with his
'super cool' game NFS Undercover.

Therefore, after 'PUJUK'ing' me like few hours,
I finally decided to join them...
So, here we go.. Jalan- jalan like donno where to go.
Like seriously! Jalan punya jalan like 20mins,
we all were like so so 'tired' lah sgt.. and..
"Urggh~ penat ohh! Jom minum!"
Then sampai lah kami di Centro Commerciale, Varese.
ahahahahha!! Oh yeah wait.. Time OTW to the centro,
I was like "OH! Anda sgt kachak!" to the hot hunks
who passed by. Almaklumlah~ mereka sgt paham BM kan?
Muahahahaha!! O.o *rolling eyes~

Cappucino~ *nice~ >.<

Hafiz & Me~

Then, after like 30mins chillin' in the bar of the Centro, Hafiz was like "Jom ahh kuar.. Amek angin + cuci mata! heh heh!" Then, we all pun "gedix2" went out to the 'piazza' or a.k.a 'tempat lepak' laaa..
Alaa.. mcm kt luar Pavilion, B.Bintang tu... xD
So, here we go again.. Kepala of the Photo- Gedik [me!] pun bertitah~
"Ape lagi weyyyhh! Lets Photo- Gedix!!"
There u go.. Some of our Gedix- Session~ Ala2 photoshoot la konon. >.<

Me & Hafiz~

hihi! xP

Hafiz, Along & Angah, ME. >.<


ah~ adikku hot!

with our so- called- 'budget hot'~ lol.

Arrghh.... fenat~ Its been a very tiring day actually.
But I'm glad, we had fun 'GEDIX'ing' around like mad ppl. ;DD
LOL. Till then, TOODLES~

p/s= oh i miss apeng like so so much!

I Miss You On Your Birthday

I Miss You On Your Birthday

I miss you on your birthday,
Not only for your smile,
But for the piece of me that's gone,
Left within your care.

I'm in an empty hallway
And have been for awhile,
Gazing inwardly towards home,
Neither here nor there.

How quickly we've turned distant!
The days pass by like years.
How could friends so inseparable
So soon seem so apart!

How imprecise the instant
Held hostage by my tears!
Though Time may seem insatiable,
I have you in my heart.

I'm sorry I can't be there on your birthday
On your vary important day.
You know baby that I love you,
And you know that my love for you is true.

Saturday, 20 December 2008


Never say that someone completes you.
We have to feel whole even when we are by ourselves.
For needing certain someone is not love, but dependency.
Wanting a person to become a part of your life is the best reason for having them.
So, rather than search for the someone who will complete you,
wait for the person that will compliment your completeness.

So, here we go..

~[well, finally uhh...
its like i've been wondering wht to write here..
blog... blog.. blog.
so, urmmm... well, still don't know whether im going to stick
with this bloggie thingy or not but then.. its not wrong to have a try! ;D
and yes... i stil manage to crappin here.
lol. there's actually alot really.. A LOT of thingy yet to be told.
but then.. urgh~ still got this what we call as a lazy dumbass inside of me
asking me to just chill and ignored this blog thingy! lol.
alright, back to the reality mya!]~

I'm17, just finished with my so called most important
exams in my life, SPM. I'm currently staying here, Varese, IT.
My dad, ZULKIFLI.. working here for
like 3years since last 2007. So, I'm
stucked up all alone in M'sia
for the darn SPM thingy. SIGH~
And now, here I am... I'm back.
Went back after like a year been
separated with my family. Distance teaches
me a lot about life, being independent.
About how to deal with people,
to take a really good care of yourself,
to mixing with a whole bunch of new people
with new behavior and lifestyle and bla.. bla.
That was like so so "WOAH!".

Well, its good.. really. ;D

So, now... Being away like thousands of miles from
my so called most important fellas after my family is like
OMG!!!!! I'm having such difficulties dealing with the fact
that my loved onesssss are like far far away from me..
GOOOSSHH~ It's hard.. really. SIGH~
I miss my BABY, I miss my BROTHERS, I miss my friends
and yes, i miss my besties like so much! I can't help myself..
I'm hopeless when i cry, like seriously..

And now, I got to be strong. I still got like long way to go.
LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. I mean yeah, with my family.
It wasn't so bad after all aite? ;D lol. So, all I have to do is just smile..
Cherish every seconds I have with my lovable family.
Be strong.. and yes, always remeber that there are like bunches of people
waiting me there.... Waiting me to be back.